
Saturday, 2 January 2021

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Income from ecotourism


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Income from ecotourism is one of the best income now days . Ecotourism is one of the best option for better employment and better income . It provides income livelihood to a huge mass of people regularly . It boost the economy of the country , state and locality directly . If you are unemployed then - it is an opportunity for you 

How to generate income from ecotourism - 

- There are different types of technique to generate income - Such as 

Ecotourism Guide - 

As a ecotourism guide - you can earn a better amount - You known - People from different country , different state of your country are coming to visit different tourist place every day . But they have no enough idea about your local tourist place . 

As a local person - you must have idea and proper information about your local tourist place , picnic spot , local park , local rivers , local visiting place . By using this information - you can be a tourist guide for outsider tourists .

 Your proper guidance can help them directly . As a tourist guide you can charge some money to them as your service charge . If you are getting 10 to 20 tourists customers daily then no doubt - you can earn a huge amount of money - in monthly basis .

Provide hotel and lodging facility to tourists - 

As an ecotourist guide - You can provide lodging and hotel facility to the national and international tourist directly . You can provide lodging and hotel facility to tourists - directly , but your hotel and lodge should be near the tourist place - and the rent / price of your service charge should be affordable to all . 

If you have no money to establish a hotel / lodge at the nearby area of tourist place - then you have to contact nearby hotels and lodges and make an agreement with them - " You have to provide customer then - they will pay you money as your service charge . 

Provide transport facility to tourists - 

Everyday - lakhs of people are visiting tourist place . Some people - those who are coming from a large distance - are coming through bus , train and flight . 

Sometimes the tourist place is far away from bus stand , railway station , air port - in such condition - you can provide them transport services directly . By your transport services you can earn a huge amount of money regularly . 

Provide fast foods and snacks to tourists 

Now  a days - young generations are fond of fast foods and spicy foods and they are very much attracted toward taste . The fast foods business is one of the best business near the tourist place . Along with fast food you can also provide - snacks , meals etc . 


Due to the better travelling facility and more people interest - you can open a tourism agencies - which will provide tourism service to people .

 You should have own bus and transport vehicle only . Only you have to collect advance money from tourists - those who are interested and take then on a long drive . Now a days the tourism and hospitality industries are booming .


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