
Saturday, 27 November 2021

Top 10 facts about Ramgarh Vishdhari Sanctuary in Rajasthan

The Ramgarh Vishdhari Sanctuary in Rajasthan

Top 10 fact about Ramgarh Wildlife Sanctuary

The Ramgarh Vishdhari Sanctuary got the green signal from the NTCA or National tiger conservation authority , The Ramgarh wildlife sanctuary is the 52nd tiger reserve in India .


Need to develop Ramgarh Vishdhari sanctuary as tiger reserve –

The population of big cat at the Ranthambore tiger reserve is increasing and they need more space . This space crunch would get resolved by upgrading the sanctuary after approval from NTCA .

The development of Ramgarh Vishdhari area allowed them to connect the entire belt from Ranthambore to Ramgarh in Bundi and Mulukunda hills Tiger reserve in Kota .


Ramgarh Sanctuary as a buffer –

The Ramgarh Sanctuary is like a buffer for the Ranthambore National park , It is one of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries in India . This wildlife sanctuary is also rich in bio-diversity and wild animals , the Ramgarh sanctuary covers an area of around 252 square kilometre .


Government announcement on Ramgarh Sanctuary –

The Rajasthan government had first announced in 2020 the plan to develop the sanctuary as a tiger reserve to provide additional habitat to Ranthambore tigers, improve ecosystem and strengthen tourism in its budget last year

Spreading of Ramgarh Vishdhari Sanctuary –

The Ramgarh Vishdhari sanctuary is spread across 1071 sq Km , of which 302 sq km will be made critical tiger habitat of the tiger reserve and the rest  into buffer zone   

Other wild Animals of Ramgarh Sanctuary –

One can spot variety of wild animals like – Indian wolf , hyena , leopard , sloth bear , jackel , chinkara , and Nil gai other animals at the Ramgarh wildlife sanctuary . According to the Rajasthan tourism department , the best time to visit Ramgarh Vishdhari wildlife sanctuary is From November to March


Project tiger –

Project tiger was launched in 1973 with 9 tiger reserve for conservation of our national animal , the tiger . currently the project tiger coverage has increased 52 , spread out in 18 tiger range state .

The tiger reserve are constituted on a core or buffer strategy . The core area have the large status of a national park or sanctuary , where as the buffer or peripheral area are mixed  of forest and non-forest land and managed as multiple use area .

The project tiger is an ongoing centrally sponsored  scheme of the Ministry of Environment , forest and climate change providing central assistance to the tiger states for providing tiger conservation in designated tiger reserve .  

Thursday, 18 November 2021

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Tiger Reserves in India under the Project Tiger


Tiger Reserves in India under the Project Tiger 

The tiger is an endangered species according to IUCN . The scientific name of tiger is – Panthera Tigris , There are 51 tiger reserve in India under the project Tiger - because these are the species likely to become extinct in the near future . According 2108 tiger census MP is known as tiger state .


Tiger Reserve in India under project Tiger

Tiger Population India –

India is a home to 2967 tiger – according to the result of the All India tiger estimation, 2018 realeased by the Hon’able Prime Minister of India

Madhya Pradesh – 526 tigers

Karnataka- 524 tigers

Uttarakhand – 442 tiger

Maharashtra -  312 tigers

Tamil Nadu – 264 tigers


Technique Used for Tiger Census in India –

Pugmark Technique – 

print of pugmarks recorded and identified ,

Camera Trapping –

 Tiger photograph and identified with stripes

DNA fingerprinting – 

Identification from scat / poops .


What are the threats tigers faces in India 

Poaching – 

poaching is the most immediate threat for wild tiger – it means it is the illegal haunting of Tiger .

Habitat loss –

Tiger have lost an estimated 95% of their historical range . Their habitat has been destroyed , degraded and fragmented by human activity

Human – Wildlife conflict –

People and tigers increasingly compete for space . As forest shrink and prey become scarce , tiger are forced to leave protected area in search of food and to established territories . this take them into a human dominated area .


Effect of Climate change on tiger –

Sundarabans is a large mangrove forest area on the coast of bay of Bengal . These forests are threatened by the rising sea level caused by climate change .


Why to conserve tigers in India 

Tiger play a pivotal role in the health and diversity of an ecosystem . It is a top predator and at the apex of the food chain . It maintain the balance between herbivore and the vegetation they eat


The extinction of top carnivore is an indication that its ecosystem is not sufficiently protected , and neither would it exist for long thereafter . – If there will be no tiger – it will lead to more herbivore – less plant- ultimately leads to ecological imbalance  


Tiger reserves in India State Wise 

There are 51 tiger reserve in India in 18 states – governed by project tiger – which is administered by the National tiger Conservation authority ( NTCA)

The tiger reserve constitute core area ( critical tiger Habitat area , notified by state government )

Buffer area – known as peripheral area .


About National Tiger Conservation Authority ( NTCA)

NTCA- National Tiger Conservation Authority – is a statutory body under the ministry of Environment , forest and climate Change

WII – wildlife institute of India –

It is an autonomous natural resource service institution under the Ministry of Environment forest and Climate change , Government of India .




Launched by the Government of india in Aprit 193 . It is a centrally sponcered scheme of the ministry of Environment , forest and climate change .

  It provide central assistance to tiger states for tiger conservation in designated tiger reserve .

From 9 tiger reserve since its formative years .the Project Tiger coverage has Increased to 51 at present , spread out in 18 of our tiger range states .

 This amount to around 2.2% of the geographical area of our country . 

Tiger reserve in Indian map is given bellow in a state wise manner . 


Tiger reserve in Indian Map is given bellow 

Tiger Reserve of Uttarakhand –

The state of Uttarakhand has two tiger reserve one is Corbet tiger reserve and another is Rajaji Tiger reserve . T

he Corbet tiger reserve has highest number of tiger in India . The Buffer area of the Corbet tiger reserve known as Amangarh Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh.

 Corbet tiger reserve has Jim Corbet National park which is the first and oldest national park in India – established in 1936 .

its old name was Hailey national park . This is the first national park to come under Project tiger ,


Tiger reserves In Uttar Pradesh –

     Uttar Pradesh has two tiger reserve one is Dudhwa Tiger reserve and another is Pillibhit tiger reserve . The buffer area of Corbett Tiger reserve is known as Amangarh Tiger reserve .


Tiger reserve of Bihar –

Bihar has only one tiger reserve that is Valmiki tiger reserve

Tiger reserve of Jharkhand –

The state of Jharkhand has only one tiger reserve that is Palamu tiger reserve

Tiger reserve of Odisha

Odisha has two tiger reserve one is Similipal tiger reserve and another is Satkosia tiger reserve

Tiger reserve of Chhattisgarh 

The state of Chhattisgarh has three tiger reserve – they are – indravati tiger reserve , Udanti Sitanadi tiger reserve and Achanakmar tiger reserve .


Tiger reserve of west Bengal –

State of west Bengal has two tiger reserve one is Sundarban tiger reserve and another is Buxa tiger reserve .


Tiger reserve of Mizoram –

The state of Mizoram has only one tiger reserve that is Dampa tiger reserve .

Tiger reserve in Assam –

The state of assam has four tiger reserver – these are Manas Tiger reserve , Nameri tiger reserve , Kaziranga tiger reserve and Orang tiger reserve .


Tiger reserve of Arunachal Pradesh

The state of Arunachal Pradesh has three tiger reserve – these are Pakke Tiger reserve , Namdapha Tiger reserve and Kamlang Tiger reserve .


Tiger reserve of Rajasthan –

The state of Rajasthan has three tiger reserve – these are Mukundara Tiger reserve , Ranthambore tiger reserve and Sarika tiger reserve .

Tiger reserve of Madhya Pradesh –

The state of Madhya Pradesh also popularly known as state of tigers – the state has five tiger reserves

 These are Kanha tiger reserve , Pench tiger reserve , Satpura tiger reserve , Panna tiger reserve , Sanjay Dhubri tiger reserve and Bandhavgarh tiger reserve .   


Tiger reserve of Maharashtra –

The state of Maharashtra has six tiger reserve these are – 

Melghat tiger reserve , Pench tiger reserve , Navegaon Nagzira tiger Reserve , Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve , Sahyadri tiger reserve and Bor Tiger Reserve .


Tiger reserves of Karnataka –

The state of Karnataka has five tiger reserves – these are Bandipur tiger reserve , Bhadra tiger reserve , Biligiri Ranganatha Temple Tiger Reserve , Anshi Dandeli ( Kali ) tiger reserve and Nagarhole tiger reserve .


Tiger reserve of Andhra Pradesh

The state of Andhra Pradesh has only one tiger reserve – that is Nagarjunasagar Srisailam tiger reserve . It is the largest tiger reserve in India – in term of area .


Tiger reserve of Telangana –

The state of Telengana has two tiger reserves – one is Kawal tiger reserve and another is Amrabad Tiger reserve and it is the northern part of Nagarjuna Srisailam tiger reserve and it is the second largest tiger reserve in India .


Tiger reserve of Kerala

The state of Kerala has two tiger reserve one is Periyar tiger reserve and another is Parambikulam tiger reserve .


Tiger reserve of Tamil Nadu

The state of Tamil Nadu has five tiger reserve – these are Srivilliputhur Meghamalai Tiger Reserve – which is the 51st tiger reserve of India and newest tiger reserve in India,  Sathyamangalam tiger reserve , Mudumalai tiger reserve , Anamalai tiger reserve and Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger reserve .  

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Sunday, 14 November 2021


Detailed information about Similipal tiger reserve


Detailed information about Similipal Tiger reserve of Odisha

Similipal National Park

 The name Similipal originated from ‘’Simul ‘’ – real meaning of Simul is cotton – this National park is located in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha- which is coming under the north Odisha  . The Similipal is  coming under the Similipal National park

Location of Similipal Tiger Reserve –

The Similipal Tiger reserve is located in Mayurbhanj district of State Odisha , It cover the area of 2800 square kilometre area and it is coming under the Mayurbhanj elephant reserve . Some places are also coming under the Mayurbhanj elephant reserve are – Kulhida wildlife Sanctuary and Hatgarh wildlife sanctuary .


List of tiger Reserve of Odisha

There are only three tiger reserve in Odisha- Such as Similipal Tiger reserve of Mayurbhanj district of Odisha , Sunabeda Tiger reserve of Nuapada district of Odisha  and theSatkosia tiger reserve of


How can we see tiger in Similipal Tiger reserve –

 Though Similipal isa tiger reserve , but it is quite difficult to see tigers in free wandering form . All tiger are set free in the dense forest , If you are really interested to see live tiger in live forest then you have to hire a vehicle for tiger safari – from the forest department Similipal Tiger reserve


Bio-Diversity of Similipal Tiger reserve –

The Similipal is the biggest reserve forest block in India – The government of gave the status of Tiger reserve on 31 December 2007 , The Biosphere reserve sustain 7% of total plant population species  of India , 8% of orchid species  population of India , 12% of reptile species  population of India - . 29% of bird species population of India , 14% mammalian species  population of India   

Endangered Species of Similipal tiger reserve –

80 species of endangered plat species are found near to extinct , 8 more belonged to endangered categories , 34 are rare plant species . Among 96 species of orchids and 1296 species of plants are identified here .

Fauna of Similipal Bio-sphere reserve –

The Similipal tiger reserve contains – 55 species of mammals , 362 species of bird , 62 species of reptile and 21 species of amphibians . Main carnivore animals are tiger , Melanistic and black tigers , leopard , leopard cat , fishing cats , Jungle cats , wolfs , foxes and hyena .

Other mammals of the Similipal Sanctuary –

They are deer , elephant , monkey , bear , ratel , civet , Jay Squirrel , flying squirrel , mongoose , pangolin , rabbit , grey Langur etc .

Reptiles of Similipal Sanctuary –

Reptiles like pythons , banded krait , king cobra , cobra , vipers , Chamaleions , crocodiles  etc .

Important Bird species of Similipal Sanctuary –

The important bird species are – peafowl , Jungle fowl , patridge , horn bill , grey horn bill , hill Myna , parrots ,crested serpent eagle and oriole ,

Tree Species of Similipal reserve forest

Over 1300 plant species and 94 orchid species complement the rich animals life in Smilipal  . The prominent trees are Sal ,   Bija , sisso , Asan , Ashoka, Champa , are the main tress species seen all over the landscape .

Rivers flowing through Similipal tiger reserve –

There is only one river is passing through the Similipaltiger reserve – that is river Salandi .

Similipal resort-

There is a only resort in the area of Similipal tigerreserve – That is Aranya Niwas – There are tree types of rooms are available for visitor – they can book according to their requirement . The types of rooms are river side cottage , family cottage and medow suit .


Hotels near Similipal National park –

A few numbers of hotel and lodges are available near the Similipal nationa park – These are Similipal resort – which is 30 km away from the Similipal National park , Sai Binayak hotel – which is 40 km away from the Similipal national park , The Belgadia Palace which is 45 km away from the National park , The Mahendra Niwas which is 55 km away from the Similipal National Park – Hotel Starway is 65 km from away from Similipal National park

Other tourist Places of Odisha Are - 


Major attractions of Similipal Tiger Reserve

               The waterfall at Uski , Bareipani , Joranda  Valley, the green Mundia Hill near the tribal Village Navana, the pictures of Luluvi and Guruguria richin  Pine Forest, and orchidarium are places that attract the tourists . Dev kund , Sitakund , Bhim kund and Ram kund are the places of worship for induced due to their mother logical importance. 


Facilities provided in Similipal tiger reserve

  The eco development committee of Similipal offers its visitors provision for night. Hult  boarding and trekking  and dragging on Forest Trails spread over it. 

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Eco-tourism Destinations-Odisha Tourism

 Eco-Tourism Destination-Odisha Tourism

Tourist place of Odisha

Odisha has  rich cultural history and Heritage. What draws the average tourist hereare the exclusive carving  on the temple wall between the indegenious form of art and craft . There are numbers of ecotourism destination inOdisha .

The distinctive appeal of native, traditions of dance and music, and a rich cultural Calander top by Rath Yatra and annual religious festivals , with no parallel in the world. 

Odisha is abest place for world class nature Camp .  

Unfortunately, go the fact that the researcher has much more to offer than just its Rich cultural heritage seldom. receive the attention- It deserves. 

Ecotourism Odisha has huge share in tourism of India  .

 Ecotourism Odisha forest department is one of the most co-operative and friendly department in Odisha .  You can do ecotourism online  booking   from different web – site for nature campin Odisha


Forest and Mountains of Odisha -

Ecotourism Odisha

Few states can boast up with breath taking range of Nature's bounties. Odisha is one of the best homedestination of Jungle Safari . Here you can find most eco-friendlydestinations in Odisha .

 Odisha has been endowed with iles and miles of dense. Green Forest, eternally evolving Mountain ranges ravishing waterfalls murmuring in streams, a long coastline interspersed with some of the  finest point in  the world .

 Government of Odisha ecotourism destination – website is always helpful for new visitors .

wild and enchanting  Creeks, lakes, and lagoons and a wildlife population. That would be most of the states in short nature. It's multi-hued, glory. So ecotourism – .

   Due to huge biodiversity – the facilities like Jungle safari , nature camp , Online ticket booking for Odisha nature camp are available on the different booking website .

 Or you can book from government website – regarding their respective department .   Governmentof Odisha always keen for promotion of tourism in Odisha .


Biodiversity of Odisha

When it comes to sheer natural b eauty – Odisha  is certainly among the most attractive destinations in the country.

Odisha  has about one-third of its land covered with forest . Supporting around 86 species of mammals 473, species of birds, 110 species of Mangrove plants, and 350, species of medicinal plants. 

Biodiversity of the state is conserved mainly through a network of protected areas. Comprising two National Parks and 18th centuries. 

Important wild animals and wildlife Sanctuary -

This network is complemented by Wilderness areas, wetlands and other bio diverse sites along the coast including mangroves and turtle shelter ,  black bugs, crocodiles, Olive ridely turtle , Irrawaddy dolphins, and migratory birds make some shore visual field and lso repel in nature. 

The best insentive for nature  minded tourism is the unique opportunity that state offer in ecotourism .




Satkosia Tiger Reserve – of Angul District

Ecotourism destination of Odisha

It is situated at a distance of 30 kilometers from Angul Town  Satkosia  tiger Reserve is a paradise for both animal lovers and nature Seekers. 

Ecotourism Satkosia is a best option for new visitors -  With its dense Green Forest. Silent Hills and murmuring streams. Satkosia is one of the best nature Camp of odisha .

Now Satkosia Nature camp booking is so easy for National and International tourist .

More information About Satkosia wild life Sanctuary 

Satkosia  is the second largest Forest landscape in Odisha . The mighty  and beautiful Mahanadi is  the lifeline of Odisha passes through it.

 Making the place exclusively  rich in biodiversity.The magnificence of the place can turn even a casual visitor into a lover and worshipper of Nature .

Tikarpada Crocodile conservation centre -Near Satkosia 

Ecotourism destination of Odisha

Tikarpada is  the major attraction of  tourist,- Here  get to enjoy boat rides of the Mahanadi and do the Majestic Gorge towering mountains and frolicking. It is the best naturecamp in Odisha

 .Migratory local birds at the river banks . Along with Gharials and Magars the  endangered crocodile species of Orissa basking in the Sun. 


Bhitarakanika National Park

Ecotourism Destinations of Odisha

Bhitarakanika National Park Situated on the Cost of bay of Bengal and surrounded by hypnotically Charming. Lush green. Mangrove Forest is a mesmerizingly.

 Beautiful Botanical. National Park located in Kendrapada  District of Odisha .Bhitarakanika  with. It's 94 rare and endangered species of mangroves is the second largest Mangrove. Ecosystem in India. It provides a best nature camp in Odisha

Salt water crocodile in Kendrapada District -

        The park is home to an incredible range of Flora and Fauna. It has one of the largest populations of endangered saltwater crocodiles in India and fairly unique Wonders of Nature. 

It is one of the best ecotourism destination in Odisha . The place Bagabahana  has the largest nesting ground in Asia. It provide – home destination Jungle Safari facility .


          A boat ride between the Greaser work. In the nature drive. Here offers a visitor's aware of opportunity to witness. One of the greatest floral biodiversity is in the world. It is one of the best – Government of OdishaEco- tourism Destination



Chilika  Lake -

Ecotourism destination of Odisha

       Chilika  is a Serene and Charming. Lake of Odisha is an artist news. The natural brackish water Lagoon of marine origin on the east coast of India is spread over an area of about 1,100 square, kilometres covering Baleswar , Puri, khordha and Ganjam districts in Orissa.

Chilikawild life sanctuary attract – huge numbers of visitors . 

 It is the largest coastal Lagoon in India and the second largest Lagoon in the world. It Asia’s largest Brackishwater lagoon 

About Bird Sanctuary Nalabana island

Eco-tourism destination of Odisha

           Declared as a wetland ofinternational importance, and chilika is a largest acquitted. Distillation of migratory Birds on the Indian subcontinent. 

Mangalajodi is a small village in another part of Chilika Lagoon is the best spot for tourists to experience, exciting and enchanting side of thousands of migratory birds congregating with gain abandon. 

 8 kilometer long Nalabana Island is a bird sanctuary, is the central Refuge point of about, 60% of all migratory, Birds visiting chilika Lagoon, each year. 


            Irrawaddy  dolphin are  best seen in the outer Channel at Satpada  and at the lagoon mouth Sipakuda and Gabakuda  are other major attractions for tourists. 


The Similipal Tiger reserve – of Odisha / Similipal National Park

             The lush green, expansive and explicitly. Beautiful forests of Simply Baal feel like heaven on Earth. The rustle of leaves, the murmur of the streams. The chirping of The Birds, And The Call of the Wild together, compose a symphony of life here. 


Important Information about Similipal Tiger Reserve 

Ecotourism destination of Odisha

           With in stretching over two thousand seven hundred fifty, square kilometer. Similipal  is the biggest  Reserve Forest block in India. 

It is one of the best nature camp in Odisha .   One of the last tiger reserves of the country. Similipal  is perhaps the only one that has multiple USBS. It is a

             It's dazzling landscape with its diverse range of flora and fauna and the blooming of rare in the big pockets and numerable, medicinal and aromatic, plants is a rewarding experience from visiting botanist at the college's by poachers animal lovers and Son killed segars. 

This one of the best Eco-Tourism Destinationof Odisha . This is the only tigers are with melanistic tiger population. It also provide tiger safari for tourist .

Major attractions of Similipal Tiger Reserve

               The waterfall at Uski , Bareipani , Joranda  Valley, the green Mundia Hill near the tribal Village Navana, the pictures of Luluvi and Guruguria richin  Pine Forest, and orchidarium are places that attract the tourists . 

Dev kund , Sitakund , Bhim kund and Ram kund are the places of worship for induced due to their mother logical importance. 


Facilities provided in Similipal tiger reserve

           The eco development committee of Similipal offers its visitors provision for night. Hult  boarding and trekking  and dragging on Forest Trails spread over it. 


Debrigarh wildlife Sanctuary of  Bargarh district , Odisha 

Ecotourism destination of Odisha

         Spread over the area of three hundred fifty three point eight one square kilometer Debrigard Forest and Park . District is located on the banks of the famous Hirakud water  reservoir was  declared as a Wildlife Sanctuary . The forest is a home of a large herds of Indian Gour with other wild animals .

Facilities provided in Debrigarh wildlife sanctuary


        It also Witnesses one of the largest congregations of migratory waterbirds in Odisha  and a boat ride in hirakud Dam. Reservoir guarantees a visitor and Unforgettable experience of nature in all its resplendent glory to risk. 

In witness, wild animals at Birth a Durga. Inside the photos that regular intervals,

          The Zero  points, between exported through to zoom the captive, Elephant Car cell and a small  along with Parvati town . Samaleswari temple, Huma temple , Ghanteswari temple – all are the best tourist attraction of western Odisha .


Chandaka Dampada Wildlife Sanctuary -

Ecotourism Destination of Odisha

          The Chandaka wild life Sanctuary is close to the state capitol , but there is actually very 20 kilometers from the city limits of Bhubaneswar .

 The state capital of odisha comprising the forest areas of h Cuttack and Khurda District  The 200 square km Chandaka Dampada wildlife  sanctuary is best known for his sizable population of elephant .

       The sanctuary is also home to an incredible seven hundred varieties of flora  and three hundred kind of Fauna   dotted with several Lakes. Fountains, dams .

 Chandaka is a recreational ground for both city folks and outside tourists,  animal lovers ,tourists and researchers come here to . Chandaka wild life Safari is one of the most famous tourist attraction . 

Other attraction of Chandaka wild Life Sanctuary 

          Enjoy the breathtaking Beauty on offer and see the animals at places like jarrah and below godavari and mantle inside the sanctuary, the remains of an ancient Fort built during the reign of Anantavarman Chodo ganga in  1078- 1147 ad are located at Bali Gada  and Judonag  Gada  within the sanctuary limits . 

For interested people. There is also a provision for adventure sports for youth such as net walking, rope climbing and Boating


The Balukhand Sanctuary -

Ecotourism destinations of Odisha

          Running along the coastline of the Bay of Bengal for about 40 kilometers, the exclusive  Balukhand  Sanctuary is located  . By the side of one of the finest marine rise in Asia. The Puri ,Konark  marine rise . The area is  spread over an area of 87 Square, kilometres .

      Forest mainly consists of casuarina and cashew nut trees, apart from The Greenery, all around the breath taking  side of the sun, rising against a backdrop of the sea at chandrabhaga and boating facilities on river Kushavadra  offer tourist  exciting prospect.

        The walking trail through the forest leads to Virginia Beach, full of white crab. The most frequented places of tourists Baleswar Temple , Bali Kapileswar Temple  , Ram Chandi  and The Sun Temple konark .

Chandipur Beach of Baleswar , Odisha

Ecotourism Destinations of Odisha

Baleswar District of Odisha offers the glued his Wonders of Nature to his visitors located at a distance of 15, kilometres from Palace or town which are the port beach is a popular tourist destination for The Unique phenomenon.

 That sees the sea recede up to 3 kilometers during low tide and then come back at high tide every day. 


About a hundred km from Baleswar -there is a Talasari Beach . is surrounded by palm trees? With one can see. Countless red crabs,


Bichitrapur Mangrove Ecotourist Destination -

Ecotourist Destinations of Odisha

      The Bichitrapur  Mangrove reserve . Ecotourism, destination located at Khadibil Badabahi -  is close to the Digha  beach in neighbouring West Bengal  is the panoramic. 


 mangrove forest at the Confluence of subarnarekha River, and Bay of Bengal is a treat for the eyes of tourists,

Kuldiha Wild life Sanctuary

Ecotourism Destinations of Odisha

 The Kuldiha  Wildlife Sanctuary at a distance of 31, kilometres from Baleswar   town offers a number of enchanting  spots for tourists savoring, the expansive Meadows, following the Mitchells Trail and boarding the rossio reservoir. 


Spending  time with nature, scam destination, at Gahirabala  is a  exciting prospects for the visitors to the sanctuary. 


Daringbadi , the Kashmir of Odisha-

Ecotourism Destinations of Odisha

        Popularly known as a kashmiri of odisha Daringbadi  is a hill station in Kandhamal District - situated at a height of about a thousand metre. 

            Here you can find Pine  jungles , coffee. Gardens, beautiful Valleys and platters set in a beautiful location, and surrounded by thick, rainforest, with wild animals, and all sides.

         Daringbadi of Odisha is a popular summer Resort from several parks and Gardens like the nature. And Butterfly Park at it. Still be of this, into the nearby Mandasar  Valley valiguard and cota- guard   wildlife  sanctuary. Ecotourism in - Odisha, Daringbadi is one of the most viisted place in western Odisha 



Nature Camp at Daringbadi -

         Nature camps in Daringbadi  have been set up at different sports where tourists can have a luxurious day and still be a part of nature. All the Nature Camps are  run by local communities, who take care of each and every beat of the tourist . It is one of most important Hill station in Odisha 

         They not only provide locally grown fresh and healthy vegetables, and food. They also shared an angel experience and knowledge with the visitors to their  area.  

         These nature camp in Daringbadi help to generate income and employment opportunities for the local communities in return. these communities take utmost care for conservation of forests and the environment. 


How to book a ticket in Daringbadi Resort 

         These cabs of a day and night staying facilities. Straight in the lap of nature with various activities. Visitors can log on to www.nasa.gov and book their accommodation as per their budget. 

Taste the requirements this website offers in In-depth knowledge and information about each and every tourism. Destination one can look suitable Cottages just in seconds. But they have easy for life.